Food Systems Countdown Initiative Data
The Countdown is a collaborative effort to monitor global food systems. It brings together indicators that span food systems and provides annual analysis to inform policy, business, and NGO priorities and actions. It supports the transformation of food systems, so they become equitable, sustainable, and resilient and positively contribute to achieving the 2030 SDGs and other global goals.
All Indicators
Countdown Indicators
Diets, Nutrition, and Health
Cost of a healthy dietPercent of the population who cannot afford a healthy dietAvailability of fruitsAvailability of vegetablesPercent of the population using safely managed drinking water servicesRetail value (total sales) of ultra-processed foods per capitaMDD-W: Minimum dietary diversity for womenAll-5: Consumption of all five food groupsNCD-ProtectNCD-RiskAdults: Zero fruit or vegetable consumptionAdults: Soft drink consumptionPOU: Prevalence of undernourishmentPercent population experiencing moderate or severe food insecurityMDD (IYCF): Minimum dietary diversity for infants and young childrenChildren (6-23 months): Zero fruit or vegetable consumption
Environment, Natural Resources, and Production
Cropland nitrogen use efficiencyCereals yieldFruit yieldVegetable yieldCow's milk yieldBeef yieldFishery health index progress scoreAgri-food systems greenhouse gas emissionsGreenhouse gas emissions intensity for cereals (excluding rice)Greenhouse gas emissions intensity for riceGreenhouse gas emissions intensity for cow's milkGreenhouse gas emissions intensity for beefCropland area changeFunctional integrity: Agricultural land with minimum level of natural habitatAgriculture water withdrawal as percent of total renewable water resourcesPesticide use per area of cropland
Livelihoods, Poverty, and Equity
Civil society participation indexPercent of the urban population living in cities signed onto the Milan Urban Food Policy PactDegree of legal recognition of the right to foodPresence of a national food system transformation pathwayGovernment effectiveness indexFood safety capacityPresence of national health-related food environment policiesV-Dem accountability indexOpen budget index scoreGuarantees for public access to information
Ratio of total damages from all disasters to GDPDietary sourcing flexibility indexMobile cellular subscriptionsSocial capital indexProportion of agricultural land with minimum level of species diversity (crop and pasture)Number of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture secured in either medium- or long-term conservation facilitiesNumber of animal genetic resources for food and agriculture secured in either medium- or long-term conservation facilitiesPrevalence of severe coping strategiesFood price volatilityFood supply variability
All Country Data