Food Systems Dashboard

Outcomes Livelihoods, Poverty, and Equity

Percent of children 5-17 years engaged in child labor



Percent of children 5-17 years classified as engaged in child labor over the total population aged 5-17 years, disaggregated by sex. Criteria for child labor varies by age group: 1) Age 5 to 11 years: At least 1 hour of economic work or 21 hours of unpaid household services per week. 2) Age 12 to 14 years: At least 14 hours of economic work or 21 hours of unpaid household services per week. 3) Age 15 to 17 years: At least 43 hours of economic work per week.


ILO conventions 138 and 182 (which outlaw child labor and exploitation) have been almost universally ratified. It is a regularly monitored indicator with good global coverage.