All Indicators
Environment and climate change
Globalization and trade
Income growth and distribution
Population growth and migration
Policies and leadership
Socio-cultural Context
Food Supply Chains
Production systems and input supply
Share of employment in agricultureAgriculture, forestry, and fishing value added per workerPercent of the rural population with an account in a financial instituteAverage size of agricultural holdingArea with very-small to small fieldsPercent of cultivated land equipped for irrigationSoil organic contentFertilizer consumptionCropland phosphorusCropland nitrogen use efficiency
Average crop species richnessNational biofortification policies adopted and in-processNational biofortification programsBiofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: iron pearl milletBiofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: iron/zinc sorghumBiofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: iron/zinc Irish potatoBiofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: iron/zinc lentilBiofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: iron beansBiofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: iron/zinc cowpeaBiofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: vitamin A maizeBiofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: vitamin A cassavaBiofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: vitamin A sweet potatoBiofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: vitamin A banana/plantainBiofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: zinc riceBiofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: zinc maizeBiofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: zinc wheatCereals yieldFSCI
Roots and tubers yieldFruit yieldFSCI
Citrus yieldVegetable yieldFSCI
Pulses yieldTreenuts yieldCow's milk yieldFSCI
Eggs yieldChicken yieldPork yieldBeef yieldFSCI
Storage and distribution
Processing and packaging
Mandatory removal of trans fats in food productsFood reformulation strategies to reduce salt intakeRice fortification legislationMaize flour fortification legislationWheat flour fortification legislationOil fortification legislationSalt fortification legislationPercent of rice that is industrially processedPercent of maize flour that is industrially processedPercent of wheat flour that is industrially processedCoverage of iodized saltShare of food, beverage, and tobacco subsector value added in total value added of manufacturing sector
Retail and marketing
Food Environments
Food availability
Dietary energy in the food supplyShare of dietary energy from cereals, roots, and tubersAverage protein supplyAvailability of fruits
Availability of vegetablesFSCI
Availability of fruits and vegetablesAvailability of cerealsAvailability of starchy rootsAvailability of pulsesAvailability of treenutsAvailability of eggsAvailability of meatAvailability of fishAvailability of vegetable oilsShannon diversity indexNutrition functional diversity indexFood affordability
Cost of an energy sufficient dietAffordability of an energy sufficient diet: ratio of cost to food expendituresCost of a nutrient adequate dietAffordability of a nutrient adequate diet: ratio of cost to food expendituresCost of a healthy diet
Cost of a healthy diet relative to the cost of sufficient energy from starchy staplesAffordability of a healthy diet: ratio of cost to food expendituresNumber of people unable to afford a healthy dietPercent of the population who cannot afford a healthy dietFSCI
Cost of starchy staplesCost of fruitsCost of vegetablesCost of legumes, nuts, and seedsCost of animal-source foodsCost of oils and fatsCost of fruits relative to the starchy staples in a least-cost healthy dietCost of vegetables relative to the starchy staples in a least-cost healthy dietCost of legumes, nuts, and seeds relative to the starchy staples in a least-cost healthy dietCost of animal-source foods relative to the starchy staples in a least-cost healthy dietCost of oils and fats relative to the starchy staples in a least-cost healthy dietCost of fruits and vegetables relative to starchy staples in a least cost healthy dietProduct properties
Retail value (total sales) of packaged food salesRetail value (total sales) of packaged food sales per capitaGrowth in retail value (total sales) of packaged food sales, 1 yearGrowth in retail value (total sales) of packaged food sales, 5 yearsRetail value (total sales) of ultra-processed foodsRetail value (total sales) of ultra-processed foods per capita
Growth in retail value (total sales) of ultra-processed food sales, 1 yearGrowth in retail value (total sales) of ultra-processed food sales, 5 yearsVendor properties
Number of supermarketsNumber of supermarkets per 10,000 populationGrowth in number of supermarkets, 1 yearGrowth in number of supermarkets, 5 yearsNumber of modern grocery retailersNumber of modern grocery retailers per 10,000 populationGrowth in number of modern grocery retailers, 1 yearGrowth in number of modern grocery retailers, 5 years
Food messaging
Individual Factors
Median incomePersonal remittances receivedCredit card ownershipPercent of the poorest 40% of individuals unable to come up with emergency fundsRatio of income share held by the highest 20% to lowest 20%Final consumption expenditure per capitaPercent of household consumption spent on food and beverages (all households)Percent of household consumption spent on food and beverages (households living on less than $2.97 per person per day)Percent of household consumption spent on fruit and vegetables (all households)Percent of household consumption spent on fruit and vegetables (households living on less than $2.97 per person per day)Percent of household consumption spent on meat and fish (all households)Percent of household consumption spent on meat and fish (households living on less than $2.97 per person per day)
Cross-Cutting Issues
Civil society participation index
Percent of the urban population living in cities signed onto the Milan Urban Food Policy PactFSCI
Degree of legal recognition of the right to foodFSCI
Presence of a national food system transformation pathwayFSCI
Government effectiveness indexFSCI
Food safety capacityFSCI
Percent who believe the government does a good job ensuring food safetyPresence of national health-related food environment policiesFSCI
V-Dem accountability indexFSCI
Open budget index scoreFSCI
Guarantees for public access to informationFSCI
Ratio of total damages from all disasters to GDP
Dietary sourcing flexibility indexFSCI
Mobile cellular subscriptionsFSCI
Social capital indexFSCI
Proportion of agricultural land with minimum level of species diversity (crop and pasture)FSCI
Number of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture secured in either medium- or long-term conservation facilitiesFSCI
Number of animal genetic resources for food and agriculture secured in either medium- or long-term conservation facilitiesFSCI
Prevalence of severe coping strategiesFSCI
Food price volatilityFSCI
Food supply variabilityFSCI
Environmental impacts
Environmental performance index scoreAgrobiodiversity indexFishery health index progress score
Number of Earths requiredTotal ecological footprint of food production per personTotal ecological footprint of food consumption per personGreenhouse gas emissions of food consumption per personBiodiversity impact of food consumption per personWater use linked to food consumption per personEutrophication of food consumption per personAgri-food systems greenhouse gas emissionsFSCI
Agri-food systems greenhouse gas emissions per personGreenhouse gas emissions from agricultureGreenhouse gas emissions intensity for cereals (excluding rice)FSCI
Greenhouse gas emissions intensity for riceFSCI
Greenhouse gas emissions intensity for cow's milkFSCI
Greenhouse gas emissions intensity for eggsGreenhouse gas emissions intensity for chickenGreenhouse gas emissions intensity for porkGreenhouse gas emissions intensity for beefFSCI
Agricultural land as percentage of country land areaAgricultural land change during the last 10 yearsCropland area changeFSCI
Average tree cover in agricultural landAverage proportion of natural vegetation embedded in agricultural landsFunctional integrity: Agricultural land with minimum level of natural habitatFSCI
Percent intact areaComprehensiveness of conservation of useful wild plantsAgriculture water withdrawal as percent of total renewable water resourcesFSCI
Soil biodiversity threats indexIntegrated plant nutrient managementSustainable nitrogen management indexPesticide use per area of croplandFSCI
Food security
Infant and young child feeding practices
Infants (0-5 months): Early initiation of breastfeeding within 1 hour of birthInfants (0-5 months): Exclusive breastfeedingInfants (6-8 months): Introduction of solid, semi-solid, or soft foodsChildren (6-23 months): Minimum meal frequencyMDD (IYCF): Minimum dietary diversity for infants and young children
Children (6-23 months): Minimum acceptable dietChildren (6-23 months): Zero fruit or vegetable consumptionFSCI
Children (6-23 months): Zero meat, fish, or egg consumptionChildren (12-23 months): Continued breastfeeding at one yearInfants (0-5 months): Non-exclusive breastfeedingDietary intake
MDD-W: Minimum dietary diversity for women
Dietary diversity scoreAll-5: Consumption of all five food groupsFSCI
Adults: Consumption of at least one starchy staple foodAdults: Consumption of at least one fruitAdults: Consumption of at least one vegetableAdults: Consumption of at least one pulse, nut, or seedAdults: Consumption of at least one animal-source foodGlobal dietary recommendations scoreNCD-ProtectFSCI
Adolescents: Average daily frequency of fruit consumptionAdolescents: Average daily frequency of vegetable consumptionAdolescents: Average weekly frequency of fast food consumptionAdolescents: Average daily frequency of carbonated soft drink consumptionAdolescents: Prevalence of less than daily fruit consumptionAdolescents: Prevalence of less than daily vegetable consumptionAdolescents: Prevalence of at least weekly fast food consumptionAdolescents: Prevalence of at least daily carbonated soft drink consumptionAdults: Zero fruit or vegetable consumptionFSCI
Adults: Whole grains consumptionAdults: Pulses consumptionAdults: Nuts or seeds consumptionAdults: Unprocessed red meat consumptionAdults: Processed meat consumptionAdults: Deep fried foods consumptionAdults: Salty packaged snacks, instant noodles, or fast food consumptionAdults: Sweet foods consumptionAdults: Soft drink consumptionFSCI
Nutritional status
Adult overweightAdult obesityWasting in children under 5 yearsStunting in children under 5 yearsOverweight and obesity in children under 5 yearsStunting and overweight in children under 5 yearsNo wasting, stunting, or overweight in children under 5 yearsUnderweight in children and adolescents 5-19 yearsOverweight in children and adolescents 5-19 yearsObesity in children and adolescents 5-19 yearsAdult underweightUnderweight in WomenAnemia in womenDouble burden of malnutrition