Food Systems Dashboard

All Indicators

Food Supply Chains

Production systems and input supply

Share of employment in agriculture
Agriculture, forestry, and fishing value added per worker
Percent of the rural population with an account in a financial institute
Average size of agricultural holding
Area with very-small to small fields
Percent of cultivated land equipped for irrigation
Soil organic content
Fertilizer consumption
Cropland phosphorus
Cropland nitrogen use efficiency
Average crop species richness
National biofortification policies adopted and in-process
National biofortification programs
Biofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: iron pearl millet
Biofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: iron/zinc sorghum
Biofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: iron/zinc Irish potato
Biofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: iron/zinc lentil
Biofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: iron beans
Biofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: iron/zinc cowpea
Biofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: vitamin A maize
Biofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: vitamin A cassava
Biofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: vitamin A sweet potato
Biofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: vitamin A banana/plantain
Biofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: zinc rice
Biofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: zinc maize
Biofortified crops released, in testing, or in the pipeline: zinc wheat
Cereals yield
Roots and tubers yield
Fruit yield
Citrus yield
Vegetable yield
Pulses yield
Treenuts yield
Cow's milk yield
Eggs yield
Chicken yield
Pork yield
Beef yield

Food Environments


Environmental impacts

Environmental performance index score
Agrobiodiversity index
Fishery health index progress score
Number of Earths required
Total ecological footprint of food production per person
Total ecological footprint of food consumption per person
Greenhouse gas emissions of food consumption per person
Biodiversity impact of food consumption per person
Water use linked to food consumption per person
Eutrophication of food consumption per person
Agri-food systems greenhouse gas emissions
Agri-food systems greenhouse gas emissions per person
Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture
Greenhouse gas emissions intensity for cereals (excluding rice)
Greenhouse gas emissions intensity for rice
Greenhouse gas emissions intensity for cow's milk
Greenhouse gas emissions intensity for eggs
Greenhouse gas emissions intensity for chicken
Greenhouse gas emissions intensity for pork
Greenhouse gas emissions intensity for beef
Agricultural land as percentage of country land area
Agricultural land change during the last 10 years
Cropland area change
Average tree cover in agricultural land
Average proportion of natural vegetation embedded in agricultural lands
Functional integrity: Agricultural land with minimum level of natural habitat
Percent intact area
Comprehensiveness of conservation of useful wild plants
Agriculture water withdrawal as percent of total renewable water resources
Soil biodiversity threats index
Integrated plant nutrient management
Sustainable nitrogen management index
Pesticide use per area of cropland