OutcomesEnvironmental impacts
Greenhouse gas emissions intensity for chicken
Environmental performance index score
Agrobiodiversity index
Fishery health index progress scoreFSCI
Number of Earths required
Total ecological footprint of food production per person
Total ecological footprint of food consumption per person
Greenhouse gas emissions of food consumption per person
Biodiversity impact of food consumption per person
Water use linked to food consumption per person
Eutrophication of food consumption per person
Agri-food systems greenhouse gas emissionsFSCI
Agri-food systems greenhouse gas emissions per person
Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture
Agricultural land as percentage of country land area
Agricultural land change during the last 10 years
Cropland area changeFSCI
Average tree cover in agricultural land
Average proportion of natural vegetation embedded in agricultural lands
Functional integrity: Agricultural land with minimum level of natural habitatFSCI
Percent intact area
Comprehensiveness of conservation of useful wild plants
Agriculture water withdrawal as percent of total renewable water resourcesFSCI
Soil biodiversity threats index
Integrated plant nutrient management
Sustainable nitrogen management index
Pesticide use per area of croplandFSCI

Greenhouse gas emissions intensity for chicken (kg CO2eq/kg product)

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Data from FAOSTAT